The Galactic Soul Tribe

REMEMBER… WE HAVE GATHERED FOR A REASON! 🌟 Come and join my free Facebook group, the Galactic Soul Tribe:✨ Connect with your soul family!✨ Build strong relationships!✨ Be supported on your soul mission! Now it’s time to gather and experience how it feels to finally come home to like minded light bearers, with opportunities to build… The Galactic Soul Tribe weiterlesen

Solar Eclipse Celebration | April 6, 8 pm CET

Come and join a beautiful ceremony where I guide us into the eclipse portal of primordial light and do a Sun healing channeling for all of us attending. This is a powerful portal for you to: 🌻 Step into the powerful eclipse portal of creation and new beginnings 🌻 Release of karmic relationships that no longer… Solar Eclipse Celebration | April 6, 8 pm CET weiterlesen

Wisdom Becomes Her: live podcast interview!

Are you ready for spiritual acceleration and intense change? Listen to my latest interview on Spotify: Beautiful host, Lisa Petty has invited me on her WISDOM BECOMES HER podcast to chat about Galactic Astrology and how this helps you reconnect with your soul family, and how it empowers you for your unique mission here on Earth.… Wisdom Becomes Her: live podcast interview! weiterlesen

Spring Equinox Celebration | March 23, 8 pm CET

As we prepare for the most profound and transformative year ahead I share channeled galactic information from our star families for all of us attending! This is a sacred moment for you to receive ✨ ✨a light language infusion for the new astrological year ✨ support around the areas of change and transformation you look… Spring Equinox Celebration | March 23, 8 pm CET weiterlesen

Mein Interview beim Astro Evolution Kongress: heute nochmals anschauen!

Heute, am letzten Tag des Astro Evolution Kongresses 2024, kannst du dir mein Interview nochmal anschauen, wenn du es verpasst hast: Ich bin von Hendrik M. Holler eingeladen worden, beim Astro Evolution Kongress in einem Kreis renommierter Astrologie-ExpertInnen dabeizusein. Melde dich heute letztmalig kostenfrei an! Begleite ein Team von Fachleuten – und mich! – auf… Mein Interview beim Astro Evolution Kongress: heute nochmals anschauen! weiterlesen

Astro Evolution Kongress 2024

Gemeinsam für 10 Tage in die Geheimnisse der Sterne eintauchen! Ich bin von Hendrik M. Holler eingeladen worden, beim Astro Evolution Kongress in einem Kreis renommierter Astrologie-ExpertInnen dabeizusein. Ich freue mich, dir als Begleiterin auf dieser kosmischen Reise mit meinem tiefen Verständnis und meiner langjährigen Erfahrung helfen zu dürfen, die verborgenen Konstellationen deines Lebens zu… Astro Evolution Kongress 2024 weiterlesen

The Erica Glessing Show

I was invited to „The Erica Glessing Show“ to talk about stars, star seeds and everything Galactic! This is what Erica says about the episode „Are you a Starseed & Other Galactic Questions“: What a lovely insight into the life of a galactic astrologer – Myriam Wiedemann joins me from Europe where she reads the… The Erica Glessing Show weiterlesen