
The 12 Nights of Wonder Workbook

12 Nights of Wonder Workbook

Embark on your own magical journey through the 12 Nights of Wonder and download this free workbook as your guide to making the most of this extraordinary experience.

Soul Mission Activations

How do I know
my soul purpose?

How do I activate
my soul mission?

How do I work
with the current energies to improve my health?

Money issues
and the
Golden Galactic Dragons!

How do I navigate
my relationships in these times of change?

Light Language & Channelings

Autumn Equinox 2024
Light Language
Inner Stability & Balance

Spring Equinox 2024
Spark of Abundance

Winter Solstice 2023 Light Language Activation

Autumn Equinox 2023 Light Language Activation

Light Language for Pluto in your Astro chart