Myriam is a globally recognized Galactic Astrologer
In a Galactic Astrology session with Myriam you will finally resolve your lifelong feelings of homesickness by learning what fixed star system you are from and what you are here to do.
Myriam is an activator of your galactic gifts. By re-connecting you with your soul family she empowers you for your unique mission here on Earth.
Myriam guides you through your galactic astrology chart to the core of your true inner self. You achieve clarity – be it on your business, your money stories, your relationships or your health.
When she’s not immersed in a session with clients all over the world, you can find Myriam on geomantic expeditions, running marathons, tending to her magical garden or writing her monthly fantasy fiction column for a local antiquarian bookshop here.
Are you ready to dive deep with her in your Galactic astrology chart? Book a full session directly here.
Please subscribe, like and share her Instagram, Facebook and Telegram channels, check out my free gifts for you, and stay in contact. Remember, we are Galactic star family, and we have found each other here for a reason.
Galactic greetings to you all!