The 12 Nights of Wonder

TRANSFORM YOUR LIFE WITH THE 🌟12 NIGHTS OF WONDER🌟 Are you tired of feeling like your dreams are just out of reach? Do you long to tap into the infinite power of the universe and finally manifest the life you’ve always desired? Prepare to embark on a journey unlike any other, as we unveil the… The 12 Nights of Wonder weiterlesen

Certification Interview

I AM A CERTIFIED QUANTUM SOUL GUIDANCE PRACTICIONER NOW! On that occasion, my Galactic teacher Julia Balaz and I did an interview on the Galactic Ambassadors Podcast. We talked about my journey of being aware of the energetics around me from early childhood and the difficulties of navigating a conventional life and fitting in.  How I overcame depression… Certification Interview weiterlesen

Was interessiert Dich?

ICH FREUE MICH, NÜTZLICHE INHALTE FÜR DICH ZU SCHAFFEN! Nimm an einer kleinen Umfrage teil und lass mich wissen, worüber ich in meinen nächsten kostenlosen Videotrainings sprechen soll. Es dauert nur einen kurzen Augenblick, und ich freue mich sehr über Deine Meinung zu den Themen, bei denen Du Unterstützung benötigst. Als DANKESCHÖN erhältst Du eine… Was interessiert Dich? weiterlesen

I am a certified QSG practitioner now!

BEING PART OF A BEAUTIFUL GROUP OF HIGHLY SKILLED GALACTIC ASTROLOGERS AND QUANTUM SOUL GUIDANCE PRACTICIONERS MAKES ME SUPER PROUD AND VERY HAPPY. The support of human consciousness evolution is our common driving factor, and we are all here to support you finding out who you are on a soul level, clearly seeing what your… I am a certified QSG practitioner now! weiterlesen

Jupiter Uranus Pop-Up Party | April 20, 8 pm CET

Join me for a magical event of expansion!Come and celebrate one of the most important celestial alignments in 2024!Let’s usher in New Earth! This is one of the most important celestial alignments in 2024: Jupiter and Uranus conjunct in Taurus ♉️ on April 20!💥 Let’s get ready for the beginning of a new cycle for the next… Jupiter Uranus Pop-Up Party | April 20, 8 pm CET weiterlesen

The Galactic Soul Tribe

REMEMBER… WE HAVE GATHERED FOR A REASON! 🌟 Come and join my free Facebook group, the Galactic Soul Tribe:✨ Connect with your soul family!✨ Build strong relationships!✨ Be supported on your soul mission! Now it’s time to gather and experience how it feels to finally come home to like minded light bearers, with opportunities to build… The Galactic Soul Tribe weiterlesen

Solar Eclipse Celebration | April 6, 8 pm CET

Come and join a beautiful ceremony where I guide us into the eclipse portal of primordial light and do a Sun healing channeling for all of us attending. This is a powerful portal for you to: 🌻 Step into the powerful eclipse portal of creation and new beginnings 🌻 Release of karmic relationships that no longer… Solar Eclipse Celebration | April 6, 8 pm CET weiterlesen