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ICH FREUE MICH, NÜTZLICHE INHALTE FÜR DICH ZU SCHAFFEN! Nimm an einer kleinen Umfrage teil und lass mich wissen, worüber ich in meinen nächsten kostenlosen Videotrainings sprechen soll. Es dauert nur einen kurzen Augenblick, und ich freue mich sehr über Deine Meinung zu den Themen, bei denen Du Unterstützung benötigst. Als DANKESCHÖN erhältst Du eine… Was interessiert Dich? weiterlesen

Jupiter Uranus Pop-Up Party | April 20, 8 pm CET

Join me for a magical event of expansion!Come and celebrate one of the most important celestial alignments in 2024!Let’s usher in New Earth! This is one of the most important celestial alignments in 2024: Jupiter and Uranus conjunct in Taurus ♉️ on April 20!💥 Let’s get ready for the beginning of a new cycle for the next… Jupiter Uranus Pop-Up Party | April 20, 8 pm CET weiterlesen

Solar Eclipse Celebration | April 6, 8 pm CET

Come and join a beautiful ceremony where I guide us into the eclipse portal of primordial light and do a Sun healing channeling for all of us attending. This is a powerful portal for you to: 🌻 Step into the powerful eclipse portal of creation and new beginnings 🌻 Release of karmic relationships that no longer… Solar Eclipse Celebration | April 6, 8 pm CET weiterlesen

Spring Equinox Celebration | March 23, 8 pm CET

As we prepare for the most profound and transformative year ahead I share channeled galactic information from our star families for all of us attending! This is a sacred moment for you to receive ✨ ✨a light language infusion for the new astrological year ✨ support around the areas of change and transformation you look… Spring Equinox Celebration | March 23, 8 pm CET weiterlesen

12 Nights of Wonder

Embark on a transformative journey with 🌟12 NIGHTS of MAGIC & MIRACLES🌟and manifest abundance in 2024! Join a community of like-minded light leaders as we unlock the ancient wisdom of the 12 Nights between Christmas and Epiphany(December 25 – January 6, daily at 8 pm CET). Receive this opportunity to align with your Galactic astrology, affirm… 12 Nights of Wonder weiterlesen

Pluto direct!

Dear fellow galactic travellers! On October 11, 2023, Pluto goes direct after a period of 5 months. This is a harbinger moment for us to prepare for what is called „The Age of Aquarius“ in 2024. The sign change takes place in three steps.  Pluto’s gradual transition into Aquarius began in early spring of 2023,… Pluto direct! weiterlesen