
21. Dezember | 17 Uhr HEISSE DAS GÖTTLICHE LICHT DES BEWUSSTSEINS WILLKOMMEN! Komm zu einer magischen Stunde und mach dich bereit dafür …  🌟 mehr kosmische Lichtenergien als sonst zu verankern! 🌟 erhöhte Intuition zu erfahren! 🌟 in Übereinstimmung mit der universellen Harmonie zu handeln!🌟 einen Impuls der Bewusstseinsevolution und -erweiterung zu erhalten! 🌟 universelle Energien und klarere… Wintersonnenwende-Ritual weiterlesen

Winter Solstice Celebration

December 21 | 7 pm CET Are you ready to usher in the divine light of consciousness? Get prepared to… 🌟anchor in more cosmic light energy than usual!🌟 heightened intuition!🌟 act in alignment with universal harmony!🌟 receive a boost of consciousness evolution and expansion!🌟 channel universal energies and clearer transmissions!

Get Unstuck with Carolyn Goldfarb

Sometimes the universe gives us the gift of shifting energy – and this interview with Carolyn Goldfarb is one of those gifts. 🌟 WELCOME TO MY STARSEEDS CREATE SERIES! Carolyn is a Soul Therapist, Past Life Regression Therapist, and Generational Healer who helps you to untangle the deep-rooted stuff they didn’t even know they… Get Unstuck with Carolyn Goldfarb weiterlesen

Soul Codes 2: Visionary Women Co-Creating New Earth 

In the depths of our collective consciousness lies a sacred truth waiting to be unveiled—a truth that transcends time and space, weaving together the essence of our souls. „Soul Codes: Visionary Women Co-creating New Earth VOL 2“ is a profound journey crafted by eight souls, each illuminating their unique codes and timeless wisdom. As you… Soul Codes 2: Visionary Women Co-Creating New Earth  weiterlesen


The Language of the Stars WELCOME TO MY STARSEEDS CREATE SERIES! Be inspired by beautiful starseeds among us whose galactic gifts are activated and who share their talents in the most extraordinary ways with us. Their stories are amazing and I cannot wait to present to you another marvelous example: COULI ART Meet the Galactic… COULI weiterlesen

Pluto tritt in den Wassermann ein | Online Event | 18. November 20 Uhr

Sei dabei und feiere mit mir bei einem kostenlosen Online Event: Pluto tritt in den Wassermann ein Montag, 18. November um 20 Uhr! Was Dich erwartet:🎉 Galaktische Astrologie – Vorschau für die Gruppe🎉 Meditation und Lichtsprache-Übertragung🎉 Q&A und Austausch Das Gewebe unserer Existenz wird sich nun für 20 Jahre grundlegend verändern. Was bedeutet das für… Pluto tritt in den Wassermann ein | Online Event | 18. November 20 Uhr weiterlesen

Pluto in Aquarius Celebration | November 16, 8 pm CET

Come and join me for a once in a lifetime free celebration: Pluto moves into Aquarius! Saturday, November 16 at 8 pm CET! 🎉 Galactic Astrology forecast for the group🎉 Meditation and light language transmission🎉 Q&A and sharing The fabric of existence is going to permanently change for 20 years now. What does that mean for… Pluto in Aquarius Celebration | November 16, 8 pm CET weiterlesen

Patrice Krysztofiak

Meet the Galactic Janitor! WELCOME TO MY STARSEEDS CREATE SERIES! Be inspired by beautiful starseeds among us whose galactic gifts are activated and who share their talents in the most extraordinary ways with us. Their stories are amazing and I cannot wait to present to you another marvelous example: PATRICE KRYSZTOFIAK – Meet the Galactic… Patrice Krysztofiak weiterlesen

Golden Age of Business: The Summit 

Master the Secret Strategies of Top Luminary Women Leaders to Rapidly Expand Your Soul-Led Business in the New Golden Age. The Time Is Now! Join me and a panel of guest expert speakers for this transformative 3-day summit, hosted by the fabulous Sinéad Cracknell, globally renowned spiritual business and leadership mentor. This is your invitation to step into a new… Golden Age of Business: The Summit  weiterlesen

Jupiter Pluto Pop-Up Party | October 12, 8 pm CEST

Join me for a magical event of alignment! The biggest and the smallest planet in our astro charts move in different directions within 4 days:  Jupiter goes retrograde on 9th October and Pluto goes direct on 12th October, 2024! What does that mean for our lives? 💫 Jupiter 💫Let’s get aligned with the future and… Jupiter Pluto Pop-Up Party | October 12, 8 pm CEST weiterlesen