Come and join me for a very special free Zoom event | Saturday, January 27 | 8 pm CET
Pluto has entered the zodiac sign of Aquarius on January 20/21, with the support of our Lyran star families.
It is one of the main astrological events of the year- with some more to come!
Uranus goes direct again on January 27.
Everything is speeding up 🚀 Up ⭐️ UP ✨
Let’s celebrate this next level acceleration!
Come and join me for a very special Pluto plus Uranus Pop-Up Party!
I invite you all very warmly and especially those of you who are part of my Pluto Return free mini reading series!
🎉 Register for free and celebrate Pluto, yourself and the group of Light Bearers you are part of!
💥 Let’s get ready for spiritual acceleration and intense change!
💥 Let’s celebrate the beginning of a new era!
💥 Let’s usher in New Earth!
I have noticed a fascinating pattern emerging during my Pluto Return free mini reading series, meeting many of you Light Bearers. I share with you what I realized during our celebration – and I can tell you so much:
It is not a coincidence that you are part of this series!
I look forward to seeing you next Saturday.