Let’s celebrate!🌟

Winter Solstice Celebration & 12 Nights of Wonder

Don’t miss out on both of these extraordinary opportunities! 

Winter Solstice Celebration

Register 🌟 HERE 🌟 for free for a magical celebration on December 22, at 8 pm CET!

I take you on a journey back and forth in time and share channeled galactic information from our star families for all of us attending!

This is a sacred moment for you to receive 

✨guidance for the area of your life you feel stuck in but do not want to carry into the new year

✨ support around the wishes and dreams you hold in your heart to finally manifest in the year to come

✨a clearer sense of your purpose in 2024

12 Nights of Wonder

Step into the enchantment of the 12 NIGHTS of MAGIC & MIRACLES by signing up 💫 HERE 💫 for 187 EUR from December 25 to January 6, daily 8 pm CET!

Embark on a transformative journey with 🌟12 NIGHTS of MAGIC & MIRACLES🌟and manifest abundance in 2024! 

Join a community of like-minded light leaders as we unlock the ancient wisdom of the 12 Nights between Christmas and Epiphany.

Receive this opportunity to align with your Galactic astrology, affirm your desires, and gain clarity with this ancient mythical tradition.

Secure your spot now and receive:

🪄✨ A clear schedule and instructions for a prepared and magical experience
🪄✨ 12 daily recorded activations, unveiling the energies for each new month
🪄✨ 4 live calls for the 12 nights for personalized astro alignments and Q&A sessions
🪄✨ Bonus call for a 13th wish, your sacred responsibility to manifest in 2024